
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Update on Dad's Open Heart Surgery

Well, Pops had his surgery yesterday morning. We were all pretty scared when he went in and at the same time trying to be positive. I must say, it is nice having a nurse come out every hour to tell you all is going as scheduled and he is doing fine.

Surgery was over sometime between 11 a.m. and noon. We were able to see him by 12:30. It was hard to see him like that. My 17yr old niece barely walked into the room and started crying. She could not look at him. I must say it was diffiucult to see "Superman" hooked up to so much equipment. I did not want my kids or my younger niece to have the same issue that the other one had so I took a picture and shot some video to help prepare them and make an informed decision about going in to see grampa. Kimmie chose not to go. I do not know if the video link will work so here is a picture to give you an idea:

So, his nurses Open Heart Recovery are of the Nazi type....I kid, I kid.... they are just very dedicated to doing their job and sticking to the rules. There are only 4 times a day when you can visit him and that is 8 a.m., 11:30 a.m. , 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. and only for 30 minutes each time, only 2 visitors at a time and no children under the age of 12. So, today I had to video tape Paige in the waiting room blowing kisses and waving and he was up and feeling better and sent her a video wave back. So, if you have not guessed by now he is off the ventilator, all tubes are out of his throat and the chest tube has been removed. He will probably be back to the Heart and Vascular center tomorrow evening. I can not say enough about the nurses up there...lovely people who treat their patients like family. And treats the patients family just as well. So, that is the good news of the day.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Update on Dad's Open Heart Surgery

Well, Pops had his surgery yesterday morning. We were all pretty scared when he went in and at the same time trying to be positive. I must say, it is nice having a nurse come out every hour to tell you all is going as scheduled and he is doing fine.

Surgery was over sometime between 11 a.m. and noon. We were able to see him by 12:30. It was hard to see him like that. My 17yr old niece barely walked into the room and started crying. She could not look at him. I must say it was diffiucult to see "Superman" hooked up to so much equipment. I did not want my kids or my younger niece to have the same issue that the other one had so I took a picture and shot some video to help prepare them and make an informed decision about going in to see grampa. Kimmie chose not to go. I do not know if the video link will work so here is a picture to give you an idea:

So, his nurses Open Heart Recovery are of the Nazi type....I kid, I kid.... they are just very dedicated to doing their job and sticking to the rules. There are only 4 times a day when you can visit him and that is 8 a.m., 11:30 a.m. , 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. and only for 30 minutes each time, only 2 visitors at a time and no children under the age of 12. So, today I had to video tape Paige in the waiting room blowing kisses and waving and he was up and feeling better and sent her a video wave back. So, if you have not guessed by now he is off the ventilator, all tubes are out of his throat and the chest tube has been removed. He will probably be back to the Heart and Vascular center tomorrow evening. I can not say enough about the nurses up there...lovely people who treat their patients like family. And treats the patients family just as well. So, that is the good news of the day.